The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) imposes significant restrictions on a covered employer’s treatment of eligible employees who request, take and return from leave. Because the FMLA is a complex statute, with many important medical leave issues still unanswered, the FMLA remains an area where sound, practical, preventive advice can pay dividends to employers.
Tom Harper advises employers regarding the FMLA’s Notice, posting and record keeping requirements. In addition, we help businesses evaluate and process leave requests and defend charges of FMLA discrimination filed with the DOL as well as FMLA lawsuits filed in state and federal courts.
Sample Family Medical Leave Act Policy
If you have over 50 employees in Florida, you are required to comply with the federal Family Medical Leave Act. This packet includes a summary of the law, a model policy, procedures to follow with FMLA qualifying events and, forms to give the employee and doctor. Click the link above to visit our HR Store.